Elizabeth LaHaye

9th Grade
West Forsyth High School

Elizabeth has been dancing for 11 years, and this is her third year as an SBT Company member. Her favorite style of dance is musical theater. Elizabeth’s most treasured dance memory is from last year’s Snow rehearsal when they were all called on stage to rehearse, and no one was expecting it, so they all ran and grabbed their flakes and pointe shoes in super speed just to make it on right before the curtain opened. Her favorite thing about SBT is becoming a family with everyone, which helps establish connection and confidence amongst the dancers. Aside from dancing, Elizabeth enjoys shopping, organizing plans with her besties, and mini golfing. She is very passionate about healthy living and taking care of herself in the right way when needed. After high school, she plans to go to college to study psychology, school counseling, or possibly psychiatry.

“I would like to thank my parents more than anyone because no matter how good or bad a situation might be, they have always stuck around to help me when I needed it most and will always be there for me.”

Help Elizabeth continue to pursue her dream. Become a sponsor or donate on her behalf.